Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Confessions #1

I saw this on one of the blogs I am following, and decided that I should participate.

Sunday Confessions is hosted by Marcie from To Read or Not To Read. Every Sunday there is a question that we are to answer. It might be book related or it could just be random. The point of this meme is for Marcie to let us know more about her while learning more about us as we participate.

This week's question:

Do you need silence to read?

My response: Yay and nay. I like to have silence when I read because it's easier to concentrate on the book, and not get lost in someone's conversation or a song, etc. At the same time, I am slowly getting used to being around a lot of noise when I read. I have started thinking that I am in a completely silent room; then - you guessed it -  it IS quiet and I can read. I believe, however, that this is just my way of blocking things out. Which would make a lot of sense :)

So, do YOU need silence to read??

~the Decayed Fish

1 comment:

Marcie said...

I absolutely read better when it's quiet. Thanks for stopping by and participating in this week's Sunday Confessions. :D