Understanding My Rating System

If you have read any of my reviews, then you will see that the highest rating is 10 Dead Fish. This is because I am doubling the typical blogger rating system. The odd numbers will be like the .5's for anyone else.

10 Dead Fish = 5 Stars
9 Dead Fish = 4.5 Stars

8 Dead Fish = 4 Stars
7 Dead Fish = 3.5 Stars

6 Dead Fish = 3 Stars
5 Dead Fish = 2.5 Stars

4 Dead Fish = 2 Stars
3 Dead Fish = 1.5 Stars

2 Dead Fish = 1 Star
1 Dead Fish = 0.5 Stars

0 Dead Fish = 0 Stars

Fair enough, right? You might see the occasional 9DF rating or 7DF rating, but you probably won't see anything lower than a 6.